KYECU, as a secondary Cooperative society, is registered under the Cooperative societies Act of 1990. By then it had fifteen affiliated Primary Cooperative societies. Until 28th of September 2022 the Union has 39 registered affiliated Primary Cooperative Societies. Kyela is a District of Mbeya Region in Tanzania. The District is with about 215,000 people as its population. It is bordered to the South by Malawi Country through River Songwe, bordered to the North by Rungwe District through Ilima Colliery Hills, bordered to the NorthEast by Makete and Ludewa Districts of Njombe Region through Livingstone Mountains, bordered to the SouthEast by Lake Nyasa, and bordered to the West by Ileje District of Songwe Region.

Some of Kyela District attractions for Tourism and the Historical Sites remains are:-

  • The Matema Beach in Lake Nyasa Shores along the Livingstone Mountains, The Spring Water of Kilambo in Kyela Town, The Old-Sokoni Slave Trading Centre in Mwaya along Lake Nyasa.
  • Kasala Traditional-Forest, where leprosy stricken men/women, the young disabled, and the Twin Born babies believed to be an ominous in the family, were being dumped and left to die alone, Bujonde Lakeshore of Nyasa, the fishing area in Lake Nyasa.
  • Itungi Port, the linking Port of Kyela, Matema, Lumbila, Manda, Liuli (of Tanzania) and Mbambabay and Nkatabay in Malawi, The District is surrounded by the four great rivers pouring water in Lake Nyasa throughout the year namely, Lufilyo, Mbaka, Kiwira and Songwe, The Ilima Colliery Mines_Supplying Coal all over Tanzania.
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Kyela Cooperative Union Limited (KYECU LTD) offices are located at Bondeni A Street, alongside Itungi Port road, nearby Kyela District Hospital.Kyela Cooperative Union Limited works hand to hand with the District Cooperative Officer and other government associated officers such as District Agricultural and Irrigation Cooperative Officer to ensure that agricultural crops produced in Kyela district are of high quality and quantity as well as securing reliable markets for the collected crops for the benefits of the people of Kyela.

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Kyela Cooperative Union Limited (KYECU LTD) offers such services to the people of Kyela such as Collecting and marketing of crops more especially Cocoa, Supply of farms inputs, farms implements and insecticides/herbicides, and Provision of training on crops production to farmers mainly members of affiliated Primary Cooperative Societies. The Union also is associated with such projects as Animal and Chicken feeds production, Red-Palm oil production, Bar and Hotels services, Vegetables and Fruits marketing as well as Whole Sales distribution (distributing building materials, farm inputs and implements, animal drugs, seeds and food stuffs) at different centres in Kyela district.

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The committee/board is elected by the delegate representatives/members from each of the member Affiliated Primary Cooperative Society of the Union at the delegate general meeting amongst themselves. Each of the thirty nine (39) Affiliated Primary Cooperative Societies is represented by three delegates in the meeting. This is a special managerial body of the Union. KYECU ltd board of directors is a body of seven (7) to nine (9) members headed by the Chairman and the Vice_chairman. The members are elected for three (3) years and they can be re-elected. But they retire after every six years of service.

Our Team

Mr. Evance Mponda Mwaipopo

KYECU Ltd - Chairman

Nabii Emmanuel

KYECU Ltd-Acting General Manager

Julius Harrison Mwankenja

Planning and production Officer

Rehema Mwaibambe

Store Manager

Beldon Mwakibinga

Marketing Officer

Lwimiko mwaijande

Ass.Planning and production officer

Joseph Michael


Fabian Alidi

Internal Auditor
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